Because God loves Rock of Love as much as we do, Bret Michaels has finally been released from the hospital after his near death brain hemorrhage. Bret seems like a really nice person, and I'm glad he is doing better since he is fairly young (47) and has two young kids. So I hope everything works out for him on his road to full recovery. He was actually in my office building lobby a few months ago, and I got genuinely excited to see him and his silky mane (it's quite lovely in person.)
However, the new PEOPLE just came out and features Bret along with some photos (some of which were shot just two days before the hemorrhage.) The best thing is that the quote they chose to put alongside the largest photo is:
"We didn't have to shave his head or do any surgery, says his neurologist Dr. Joseph Zambrankski. So he pretty much wore his bandana like 99 percent of the time."
So Bret was basically struggling for speech, barely coherent, his girlfriend bending down, pressing her ear next to his lips straining to hear what he needed, finally making out "...ban...dan...a....(silence)."
Friday, May 7, 2010
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